Everyone needs a computer and we are happy to help. 
Many generous people have donated computers and money to keep the cost low.
* These instructions are for those who live in RURAL areas of Utah and are not able to visit our office in Salt Lake City. Please contact TechCharities at if you are uncertain if your city qualifies.
If you live in RURAL Utah and need a computer, you can order one in three easy steps: 
  1. Select the device you want.
  2. Complete the order form, or send your address to TechCharities and place your order.
  3. Pay a small administrative fee once your order is confirmed.
Step 1: Select the device you want.
  • Small laptop:  $50

  • Large laptop:  $65

  • Mini Desktop with keyboard and mouse:  $45

  • Chromebook:$35

Free Shipping. One  laptop per household. One laptop and one Chromebook can be ordered together as one order.

Computers have a minimum of 6 – 8 gb Ram and solid state drive with i3 or better, Windows 10 or 11.

Step 2. Complete the order form below.
Or, send your order and address to Include the following:
* Name/Email
* Address
* City, State, and Zip code
* Picture or letter of qualifying income-based assistant program such as SNAP or TANF
(please show current dates). Required! 
* Request Device :


Step 3. Pay the administrative fee once your order is confirmed by TechCharities.
Credit Card
When TechCharities receives your address, verification, and fee, you will be notified when your computer(s) has shipped.
* Please allow 1-2 weeks for shipping and handling.

List the computer device you want below.  You can order two devices but one of the two must be a Chromebook.

Venmo:       @TechCharities

After a few months, you may be asked to give a brief report on how the computer is helping you accomplish your goals.